Kyna Williams
Kyna Williams

Age: 41

CrossFit Opens: 6

Best CrossFit Open Finish: 711th Worldwide (2024, Women 40-44) | 29th Worldwide in 24.2 (Women 40-44)

Other Passions: Running (as therapy), Camping, Hiking, Empowering women & girls through sport


CrossFit Level 1
CrossFit Judges Certification
CrossFit Sr. Director of Marketing Strategy & Content
Girls on the Run Board Chair, Western Montana
Girls on the Run Volunteer Coach
Bachelor's Degree from Northwestern University

Coach, Co-Owner

Kyna Williams

A lifelong athlete, I have been passionate about sports and the positive effects it has on people from a very young age. Growing up in a family of athletes (my mom ran marathons and dad was a collegiate gymnast), I pursued a running career, earning a D1 scholarship to run cross country at Northwestern University, where I captained the team to our first-ever NCAA appearance. After college, I began a career in marketing at Nike, with the goal of changing the world through sport. Professionally, I loved my life - and my job - telling stories and empowering consumers to Just Do It, while personally, I struggled to find my "place" as a former collegiate athlete. For years, I found myself bouncing from fitness studio to fitness studio, hoping to stay in shape while finding that "team" atmosphere I craved from my team days. Thanks to my husband, Jessie, I gave CrossFit a shot in 2019, my first ever workout being 19.1 (rowing and wallballs, I'll never forget it...) and from there, was hooked. I loved the community, camaraderie and constant growth CrossFit provided.

In 2020, after an almost 15 year career in Marketing at Nike, Jessie and I hung up our Swoosh badges and relocated our family to Montana, with the goal of giving our daughters a better way of life in the mountains. We had great aspirations of opening a CrossFit gym, and after 3 years of planning, we made our dreams a reality with the opening of Switchback CrossFit. Truthfully, my earliest intentions were never to coach, but rather, act as the Gym's business manager behind the scenes...but coaching found me, and into a very special place in my heart. Today, I am a passionate 6:00AM coach, greeting members on the darkest and dreariest winter mornings and our bright crisp summer days, with a smile and a passion to encourage, push and coach them to do things they never felt possible.

While I also manage SBCF's "behind the scenes" business, my "day job" is working in marketing for the brand I believe in more than anything - CrossFit, LLC. It is an honor and a passion to not only coach and own an affiliate, but to market for and welcome new and curious consumers into the world of CrossFit every single day.

When I'm not working (or working out), you can find me hanging at the gym (I'm usually the one brewing a pot of coffee for our members to enjoy after a Saturday morning class), hiking in Glacier National Park or camping with my family. And because like to over-commit, I am also the Board Chair for Girls on the Run Western Montana, a beautiful non profit organization dedicated to improving young girls' confidence through the power of running.

Why I Love Coaching: There is this beautiful moment that happens with an athlete when something finally clicks, that lightbulb goes off and aha! they get it. Helping them find that lightbulb moment - and the newfound confidence that comes from that - is everything for me.

My Why: Jessie and I are raising two daughters, growing up in a world full of filters and fake news. I want to show them that STRONG is more beautiful - and powerful - than anything they'll ever see scrolling thru Instagram.